drawing / dessin

a drawing without colour, and the coloured version

a dessin sans colour, et le version fini

some older work, plus vieux travaux

Chess playing table +
Selfportrait as hunting trophy

These are some works I have made at my old school in the netherlands. I really mis making dolls, I hope to make more if I could only find the time.

Voici des travaux plus ancien j'ai fait au Pay-Bas. C'a me manque de faire des poupées, j'aimerai bien faire encore, mais il faut avoir du temp pour le faire.

small model drawing + vacation homeworkpage / petit model vivant + devoire de vacance

The first image is me drawing in a bar, the other a life model drawing of which I really liked the pose.

Le premier image c'est moi en train de dessiner dans un bar, le deuxieme un dessin apres model vivant.